The brotherhood meeting was opened by president, Dick Strecker, at 7:05 p.m. in Memorial Hall.  The minutes of the previous brotherhood meeting and Executive Board will read and accepted.  Since Roger Crouse is in the infirmary, Jack Kooyoomjian gave a briefing of our financial standing and the estimated profit from the battle of the bands.

There will be a party in Memorial Hall on March 21, 1964.  There will be a smorgaboard spread and there will be an admission charge of $.99 per person.  This fee is to help us pay for expenses for the spring banquet on May 9, 1964.  The organizations invited will be APO, GSS, and STOSO.

Move: that Alpha Phi Omega adopt Groff Park as a project on April 11.  Carried

Move: that the chapter approve the appointment of Parker Cleveland, Dave Mathieson, Roy Pinto, and money Rosenberg to the Constitutional and bylaws committee.  Carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Following the meeting, a short film on the flight of John H. Glenn and the Friendship 7 was shown to the brotherhood and the pledge class.  After the meeting, the pledges and brothers got together informally to discuss various things of interest.

Respectfully submitted
John A. Kucharski
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes